Ballack: Busy getting to know Chelsea
Wednesday, Aug 02, 2006
Tuesday was a busy day for Michael Ballack. Between two training sessions in
Los Angeles, he was reunited with his former international manager Jurgen
Klinsmann and he spoke to the US media.
California’s most famous German resident visited Chelsea’s UCLA training
base for the morning session. Klinsmann observed proceedings and then took
time to speak with Jose Mourinho and his captain at the World Cup. Ballack
later expressed his sadness at Klinsmann’s decision to quit the Germany job
in the wake of the summer’s events.
Later there was a photo opportunity for the press with Ballack holding up a
number 13 Chelsea shirt. William Gallas has also been allocated a squad number
and the full list of numbers will be announced in due course according to
Premier League regulations.
When Ballack talked to the press, he listened to and understood questions in
English but answered through an interpreter. For a later Chelsea TV interview
he spoke in English.
He gave his reactions to his first couple of days with Chelsea. The training
he described as disciplined and hard. It was also different from what he has
grown used to.
“In Germany we start training with a lot of running and you use that to build
up fitness,” Ballack said. “Here with Chelsea we start with a ball which is
more fun. I have been here only for two days so I am still figuring it out.
“I am only just getting to know people but the staff are very professional
and the medical staff absolutely top notch. I was accepted very well by the
other players and we have a great team. The coach is crazy too, he always
makes fun.”
The recurring topic of how the new midfielder will dovetail with established
Frank Lampard surfaced.
“We want to be successful, we don’t want to compete. We want to work
together and I will be glad to play side-by-side with him.
“Chelsea know about my strengths, that is why they picked me and there is
great competition in the midfield. I am just going to try to do my best and
we shall see how it goes.
“At Bayern I was a leader but I don’t mind being less leader and more part
of a great team because you can see with bigger teams like Brazil, they have
a lot of stars and manage to focus on being a team and not having one star.”
The new short-haired style didn’t pass without comment. Ballack explained
that feeling bad following Germany’s semi-final defeat, it had been time for
a change. A new haircut for a new stage in his career.
“It is definitely a challenge for me to move to a different country for the
first time and play in a different league. I am looking for a change where I
can grow and I am certainly excited about it.”
Ballack’s day as the centre of attention was not at an end following his
thoughts to the media. Scheduled for evening meal time was his initiation
song in front of the whole squad. With just a few hours to go, he had neither
practiced, nor selected his material. It would however, he said, be short.
Michael Ballack’s interview with Chelsea TV, in English, can be seen on
Wednesday’s Blues News at 6.30pm.
(切爾西電視晚上六點半播出巴拉克訪問。) (如果連接GoalTV2順利的話....) 又一個平頭!
- Aug 02 Wed 2006 23:15
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