身旁好多死黨 喜歡的人 都在遙遠的國度為未來而努力
在聖誕節降臨的冬天 因為少了他(她)們而有好多好沉的失落
不久 我也希望能夠順利爲夢想而加油 在大家的祝福下 我也要出國留學了
也許讓我們更難相聚 但是感情卻是更加緊密
畢業後 要面臨人生的轉捩點 我必須長大 成熟去面對 為了你們的愛與祝福 我也要為了自己而加油
我會聽李明和其他教授的建議 要努力深造 哈 我身旁都是留學命 我也要追隨才是正道
You and I must make a pact, we must bring salvation back
Where there is love, I'll be there
I'll reach out my hand to you, I'll have faith in all you do
Just call my name and I'll be there
And oh - I'll be there to comfort you,
Build my world of dreams around you, I'm so glad that I found you
I'll be there with a love that's strong
I'll be your strength, I'll keep holding on - yes I will, yes I will
Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter
Togetherness, well that's all I'm after
Whenever you need me, I'll be there
I'll be there to protect you, with an unselfish love I respect you
Just call my name and I'll be there
If you should ever find someone new, I know he'd better be good to you
'Cos if he doesn't, I'll be there
Don't you know, baby, yeah yeah
I'll be there, I'll be there, just call my name, I'll be there
(Just look over your shoulders, honey - ooh)
I'll be there, I'll be there, whenever you need me, I'll be there
Don't you know, baby, yeah yeah
I'll be there, I'll be there, just call my name, I'll be there...